The Classic 1980’s RPG returns with a new 5E Epic Edition!

... or humans, or dwarves, or orcs ... or pretty much anything else you've ever seen in a tabletop roleplaying game.
… is the first version of the classic 1986-era Talislanta RPG ever adapted for DMs and players of 5th Edition. Now you and your fellow players can adventure in the strange and exotic world of Talislanta.
The incredible Talislanta RPG world setting includes hundreds of fascinating cultures, creatures, and locales designed to challenge and excite players and GMs of all experience levels…
Hundreds of new full-color illustrations…
New rules for Windships…
Over 90 new Sub-Class / Race Combos we call archetypes and over a hundred and fifty NPCs, creatures, and monsters from the world of Talislanta, an EPIC Bestiary
A 12-episode Talislanta 5E Guided Campaign Written and designed by Talislanta Original creator Stephan Michael Sechi & Chris Batarlis from Everything Epic
An all-new and fully described Talislanta Atlas with all notable interest points and cities with full encounter tables and descriptions. Including a Flora and Fauna guide!
All new Equipment and Siege Weapons from the universe of Talislanta...
And a whole lot more, all packed into Four EPIC Books for this all-new Epic Edition of Talislanta for 5e!
Talislanta 5E: a world unlike anything you've ever experienced before, designed for an RPG you already know how to play!
Aamanian Witch Hunter
Mondre Khan Warrior
Mirin Scout
Aeriad Druid
Thrall Warrior